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Check out our latest social media
campaigns. We can help get the
word out with smart design
and engaging copy and visuals. 

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Social Media

Virtual Advocate Program

The Virtual Advocate Program is a remote course that teaches college students to advocate for their own health and others' using social media. 

We used eye-catching visuals in emails and social media to enlist the help of college professors to assist us in making sure students were aware of this life-saving curriculum. 

Susan Lanci Designs

Susan Lanci Designs handcrafts luxury dog accessories using premium materials like suede and  Swovarski crystals. 

We use social media to target multiple audiences with messaging and design that helps them stand out from the crowd. 

Choose Financing

Choose Financing helps people explore all kinds of different franchising opportunities. We help them create various campaigns that targeted different audience with different looks and messaging. 

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